Friday, September 26, 2008

Anna's 14th Birthday

We celebrated Anna's 14th birthday at home last night. She is going out to the movies with her friends tonight and on Sunday we are hoping that Bill, Judy (grandparents) and Aunt Nancy get to come down from Brevard. They are out of gas up there so it may not work out.


dena said...

Happy Birthday, Anna! This message is for you, since you can read it yourself after all. I hope that you had a wonderful day and that you are adjusting to life in the new digs. Glad to hear that you were going out with friends... hope you had a great time!

By the way, I loved the cake! Way cool! Take care of your brothers & keep your parents out of trouble!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you Anna. I am glad you are doing well.

Trish said...

Happy Birthday Anna!

Trish said...

Thanks alot Elizabeth. I thought you would hold out on the blog world with me. Now the pressure is on.

The Wades said...

Happy birthday, Anna!

Trish, not only is the pressure on you, but Dena needs to get her rear in gear as well! If Elizabeth was kind enough to begin blogging, you two have no excuses!

Holly said...

Happy Birthday Anna!!!

Great blog Elizabeth! So glad you have one now!

dena said...

Hey, how'd I get thrown under the proverbial bus?